The ugly truth
There are so many wellbeing practises around nowadays and changing your life seems to be the new trend. If you're not making waves in your own life right now you'd be forgiven for thinking you're the only one that isn't. Every time you open social media you're faced with a never ending stream of adverts for fabulous product, potions or courses which are the next best thing, all wrapped up in a fabulous marketing bow.
It's made to look so easy.
Well you know that old saying - if it seems to good to be true, it probably is? Yes, well it's true.
When we think about changing our lives, we often imagine it's all about making decisions, setting goals, drafting plans, and moving steadily towards them. One foot in front of the other. Determined, focused and steadfast.
That’s the message we’re given, right? But there’s something no one really tells you — something far more uncomfortable.
The ugly truth that no one talks about it is the silent first hurdle. This is the one that requires all of your courage and strength.
The first step to truly changing your life isn’t just about looking forward. It’s about looking at where you are now and admitting something uncomfortable, something you've more than likely tried to ignore, bury and smooth over. The first part of making changes requires you admitting that you cannot continue as you are: that the life you’re currently living — the one you’ve shaped with your own choices — is the very life you now resent. It’s the life that’s making you unhappy, the one that falls short of the happy ending you once dreamed of.
That can be a hell of a wake up call, when you realise you can't blame anyone else any more and the only one who can change things is you.
This realisation isn’t easy. It requires a great deal of courage.
Lots of people decide not turn away and cover over this truth, numb it away with alternative means and can continue for years like this.
There can be a lot of shame and pain and this can be really difficult to face, even scary if it's really big life changes - but face it you must in order to move towards the freedom you desire.
Are you brave enough to admit that the situation you’re in is not what you truly want? Or will you continue to lie to yourself, clinging to the idea that everything will get better without confronting the truth?
Real change doesn’t begin with action — it starts with honesty. Only when you face the reality of your current life can you begin to make the meaningful shifts needed to create the future you desire.
So, are you ready to stop pretending? Are you ready to acknowledge what’s not working and take that vital first step?
If so reach out to see how I can help you.