There can be such a thing as too much information
The internet is arguably one of the most powerful things to have ever happened in our lifetime. Information is available to us on every possible subject at the touch of a button 24 hours a day. Don't know something? Just google it.
Sometimes however this isn't always a good thing.
Perspective and how we view things is huge. The impact of this should not be underestimated. It can affect our emotional state and how we feel about things, including our children.
If you are a parent of a child with emotional difficulties, disabilities, additional needs or other challenges getting a diagnosis is something that you can spend a lot of time on trying to achieve. Researching, connecting with others, consuming content and other peoples journeys can be very helpful in lots of ways. When you feel lost, alone and frightened you know that if you look hard enough on the computer you'll find a community for just about anything that you can join and feel connection with others. We all need that support, whoever we are.
This is especially that case for parents of children with difficulties. Whatever their diagnosis finding out the reason can help parents to access support and understand why their child or young person may have difficulties in certain areas of their development or functioning.
However it does not equal the total sum of who that child or young person is or are going to be. Depending on the diagnosis it may in fact do the opposite - it may exclude them from accessing some services or support as well. Regardless of diagnosis being identified or not, the way that you view your child is so important.
Do you see them or their diagnosis?
Have you spent so long researching the intricate details of their diagnosis on the internet that you know every possible symptom that may be a part of their journey that you start to take this on as a concrete truth of what will happen. It can become some people's reality and this will in turn affect how you feel about the future, your child and what they will be capable of and in some cases, their and your life.
In flooding yourself with lots of information, particularly that which is of a negative type can actually be quite traumatizing. It can affect your mental health, the way you parent and potentially the bond between you and your child. You can also start to create "truths" within yourself which are not truths at all but become false truth and limiting beliefs and this can start to shape your world. These can affect how you act, how you feel and your beliefs.
Be mindful of how much content you are consuming and how much it may be affecting you. Regardless of where you are on your journey, do not loose connection to your child or young person. Words and labels do not define who we are. Diagnosis is important in ways, yes, but more so is the influence, passion and belief in your child from those around them.
As a parent you are your child's biggest advocate and influence. Sometimes it's best to research to a point but then know when to leave the books and information at the door, focus on where you're at right now and then where you want to go next and dig in with passion and drive. You will be so amazed at what can be achieved when maybe all the information told you the opposite or assisted you to place limits on how life would be. After all, unless these books have got your child's name written on them then it's not specifically relevant to your child so don't make it so.
Start where you're at and root yourself in your journey, no one else's.